Drugstore Pharmacy — Pharmacy in Chatham Kent

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Drugstore Pharmacy

Pharmacy at 791 St Clair St, Chatham, ON N7M 5J7, Canada, Chatham Kent, Ontario, N7M 5J7 . Here you will find detailed information about Drugstore Pharmacy: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 1 reviews


791 St Clair St, Chatham, ON N7M 5J7, Canada, Chatham Kent, Ontario, N7M 5J7
Chatham Kent
N7M 5J7

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About Drugstore Pharmacy

Drugstore Pharmacy is a Canadian Pharmacy based in Chatham Kent, Ontario. Drugstore Pharmacy is located at 791 St Clair St, Chatham, ON N7M 5J7, Canada,

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Reviews of Drugstore Pharmacy

  • Carlos
    Added 2016.06.01
    I have been using the Wadland Pharmacy in the Chatham Superstore for the past 5 year's. I transferred my drug's from the Superstore Pharmacy in Strathroy when we moved to Merlin. I have been on the same prescription's every month since moving to this location.I have 5 medications that I get regularly and that are paid for by WSIB. Last month when I called in to make sure that was codiene cont. was ready for pick up they told me yes it was ready so I drove to the store.It is 25 miles from Merlin to the store when i got there the staff person told me that I had to pay for it because WSIB didn't cover it anymore.I was very upset and said did they call WSIB to find out why the payment had been rejected and they told me NO that wasn't their job I would have to call them myself.So I drove home with out my medication,Medication that I need to take. I called WSIB and talked to the drug verification department and was told that my codiene was covered and that their had been no changes to my allowable drug's.WSIB told me to give the pharmacy their number which i did,I called the pharmacy the next day to find out if they had settled the problem and was told that my codiene was there and paid for. I then had to drive another 25 miles back into Chatham to collect my medication. I never got any explaination or any apology for their mistake.I live on $748.00 a month and don't have money to make 50 mile trip's for nothing. The should have apologized and they should have had the medication courier to me at no cost to me. I also have had a problem with them not having enough stock of my migraine medication.This is a medication that I have been getting on a regular bases since coming to them but frequently they say we don't have enough and so we owe you medication.I am not sure that I always get the medication that is owed to me! I went once and said I wanted the medication owed to me an they told me that I had already got the amount that I was owed. I don't understand why they don't order enough drug's to be able to fill my presriptions this is not an unexpected medication. I am very unhappy with my service from Wadland and I am currently checking out other pharmacy options. Betty Dawson
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